For Windows Azure 'Compute' (eg. a Web Site) it has two measures: # Running
Instances/Hour and Data Transfer In + Out. This, of course, is not an
uncommon measure in the industry (either by the hour or by the month etc).


On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Craig van Nieuwkerk <>wrote:

> > However it's worth realizing that when tinkering with these types of
> scale
> > out cloud technologies you won't need a) huge scale and b) to run the
> > service 24/7. For example the cost to run a couple Windows Azure instance
> > for a handful of hours might come to only a few dollars.
> Not exactly sure what you mean by (b). I assume if you are running a
> pretty standard web site that is accessed at all hours from over the
> world, you would have to pay for every hour 24/7. A better model would
> be just to pay for CPU hours, that way if you do nothing, you pay
> nothing, the more you do the the more you pay.
> Craig.
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