
Please stop moving threads that I start on the hackers list onto the
users list.  Users have little/no interest in this.

> > - Find out why my build on Cygwin results in an unloadable
> > SciLexer.dll (permissions I think)
> Yes. On cygwin it is missing the x "permission", which is "Read &
> Execute" on Windows ACLs.

I'll investigate further.

> Note the other cygwin permission problems:
> * GUI.rc is not writable, so the default make will fail.

I thought we fixed this wiath a patch to build_tools/ - was
this not enough/wrong?

> * samples/* are not writable, so the blib update for the demos will fail.
> No patch, I fix that in my build script.

You mean that blib/lib/Win32/GUI/demos/* is not writable?  I don't
need write permission on samples/* to copy out of that directory.

The copying of demos works fine on the initial build - it's only
subsequent builds that won't copy the samples.  Work around is to
'make clean' ....

> > - check that the new tests for Scintilla work under cygwin
> I'll do.

Thanks - let me know.  They seem ok for me.


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