Title: RE: [perl-win32-gui] Anyone tried using Win32::GUI as MS Visual T est replacement?

Sorry for the HTML... here goes again...

From: Hicks, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> In Windows NT, sometimes there is no scripting alternative to
> clicking the mouse in dialog boxes. In these cases I've
> scripted in MS Visual Test (and then called the MSVT script
> from Perl). I'd rather just do it all in Perl.
> I believe the two API calls of interest are: FindWindowEx and
> SendNotifyMessage.

I doubt that that is all you will need, but as an exercise... MSDN says:

Library: User32.DLL

HWND FindWindowEx(
  HWND hwndParent,      // handle to parent window
  HWND hwndChildAfter,  // handle to child window
  LPCTSTR lpszClass,    // class name
  LPCTSTR lpszWindow    // window name
BOOL SendNotifyMessage(
  HWND hWnd,      // handle to window
  UINT Msg,       // message
  WPARAM wParam,  // first message parameter
  LPARAM lParam   // second message parameter

Using Win32::API, this would be:
use Win32::API;
$FindWindowEx = new Win32::API('User32',
                               [qw(N N P P)],
$SendNotifyMessage = new Win32::API('User32',
                                    [qw(N I N N)],
my $hwnd = $FindWindowEx->Call($parent_hwnd,
                               "The Class",
                               "The Caption");

About a year or so ago, I looked into using Win32::GUI for automated GUI testing. I.e., replacing Visual Test. I was unable to get the functionality out of Win32::GUI that I needed within the time I'd allotted... But that isn't to say that Win32::GUI isn't up to the task. My limited knowledge of the Win32 API and Perl were as much an issue as the maturing status of Win32::GUI.

Just yesterday, I took notice of Rational Visual Test 6.01's vtctrl.h C header file and vtctrl.bas Visual Basic script for accessing the Visual Test API from the vtest60.dll. I'm thinking if I find the time this weekend that I might try to wrap them for Perl. If you don't hear from me Monday, assume I'm not going to do it. I thought it'd be nice to start with the Visual Test functionality, and allow for a gradual rewrite into Perl...


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