Below you will a small Win32::GUI program that displays a window with a
   button labeled "Loop".  When you click on the button it calls a
   subroutine which should display another window with a number and an OK
   button.  I want the program to wait between each display of the second
   window (waiting for the user to click "OK"), but instead you see the
   number changing and it comes to rest on the last number.

   Any ideas?

   Thanks -David Hiltz

use Win32::GUI;

$Win = new Win32::GUI::Window(
      -left   => 341,
      -top    => 218,
      -width  => 300,
      -height => 213,
      -name   => "Win",
      -text   => "Window Title"


       -text    => "Loop",
       -name    => "Loop",
       -left    => 104.5,
       -top     => 102,
       -width   => 95,
       -height  => 28,

$Win2 = new Win32::GUI::Window(
      -left   => 391,
      -top    => 238,
      -width  => 200,
      -height => 183,
      -name   => "Win2",
      -title   => "New Window",

       -text    => "",
       -name    => "Label",
       -left    => 60,
       -top     => 30,
       -width   => 20,
       -height  => 20,

       -text    => "OK",
       -name    => "OK",
       -left    => 50,
       -top     => 102,
       -width   => 95,
       -height  => 28,


sub Win_Terminate {
   return -1;

sub OK_Click {

sub Loop_Click {

   foreach $i (0 ... 3) {
     sleep 1;

sub Show_Win2 {
   my($num) = @_;

   $Win2->Update();  # This will make the OK button show up, but
                     # the window will not wait for a click of the OK.

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