On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Ray Stell <ste...@vt.edu> wrote:

> I used "initdb -U" to specify an alternate superuser.  On startup it
> throws these msgs:
> 2017-06-22 14:36:34 EDT,0,startup FATAL:  28000: role "postgresql" does
> not exist
> 2017-06-22 14:36:34 EDT,0,startup LOCATION: InitializeSessionUserId,
> miscinit.c:503

Earlier versions do the same thing if you start them with the wait option

The difference is that wait is now the default, and you use -W to turn it

With the wait option in use, when starting up the server pg_ctl keeps
trying to connect to the server so once it is running, it can report
success. But it doesn't know who to connect as, so it just uses the default.



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