For all tables and columns I get no output at all. Basically I need all tables 
and columns for which the column is neither a regular primary key, nor a 
foreign key. This will be marked as an attribute in the diagramming program.
Your query for primary keys which are not foreign keys seems to be magic :) 
I'll have to dig through some of the tables (nearly 1000 of them) to validate, 
but it seems to work with much less complication than my original query (and I 
think my original had issues...I forgot to mention that I had been relying on 
the columns which implemented values which foreign keys had referenced were 
assumed to have the same column names...mostly this had been true, but not 
always, so my original approach was a guaranteed failure).
For foreign keys I need a row with both the table and column which is a foreign 
key, and the specific table and column it maps to. My mapping program will be 
adding a double-linked list among keys for validation and for interactive use 
of an SVG image being produced.
So I'm still looking for 
"original_table.fk_column->implementing_table.implementing_column", plus the 
list of "table.column" where "column" is not a key.

>I am completely at a loss how I would query for all columns

Does this help?
SELECT c.table_schema as schema,       c.table_name as table,        
c.ordinal_position as order,       c.column_name as column,       CASE WHEN 
c.data_type IN ('character', 'varchar') THEN c.data_type || '(' || 
c.character_maximum_length || ')'            WHEN TRIM(c.data_type) IN 
('numeric')        THEN c.data_type || '(' || c.numeric_precision_radix || ',' 
          ||  c.numeric_scale || ')'       ELSE c.data_type        END,       
c.is_nullable as null,       col_description(t.oid, c.ordinal_position) as 
comment  FROM information_schema.columns c  JOIN pg_class t ON (t.relname = 
c.table_name) WHERE table_schema = 'public'   AND c.table_name = 'album'ORDER 
BY 1, 2, 3;

SELECT n.nspname,       t.relname as table,        c.conname as pk_name  FROM 
pg_class t  JOIN pg_constraint c ON ( c.conrelid = t.OID AND c.contype = 'p')  
JOIN pg_namespace n  ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) WHERE relkind = 'r'   AND 
t.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'   AND t.relname NOT LIKE 'sql_%'   ORDER BY 
n.nspname, t.relname, c.conname;
SELECT n.nspname as schema,        t.relname as table,        c.conname as 
fk_name  FROM pg_class t  JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.relnamespace  JOIN 
pg_constraint c ON ( c.conrelid = t.OID AND c.contype = 'f') WHERE relkind = 
'r'   AND t.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%'   AND t.relname NOT LIKE 'sql_%'   ORDER BY 
n.nspname,             t.relname,             c.conname;

Melvin DavidsonI reserve the right to fantasize.  Whether or not you wish to 
share my fantasy is entirely up to you. 

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