PS ..yes that Rosetta Code example is close to what I'm after.

On 21 February 2017 at 15:19, dean <> wrote:

> Hi Andreas
> >Do you really need to load all the stuff into RAM?
> No...I was originally using in/out
> and will go back to trying that for each filter.
> re the improvements...yes I understand all all of those...thank you.
> >exactly the same structure as in ram.
> Amazing and I'll bear that in mind.
> >I hope this helps...
> Yes it does and thank you very much
> Hi Joe
> >1. Your picolisp code is becoming easier to read.
> That's very kind...thank you...I am trying :)
> >3. Why do you need to work with bytes vs chars?
> Good question...Initially I have some >130 asci characters.
> Reading them as such is problematic but viewing them as bytes
> and changing those >asci 130 solves the problem.
> As the data is in bytes after such conversion I thought it might be
> more efficient to keep them that way but after
> your question,
> Rosetta Code example
> and Andreas' advice re confining things to in/out
> ....maybe not.
> I'll have a go trying to incorporate the above advice and example
> and report back. It might take me a while.
> Thank you both very much for your help.
> Best Regards
> Dean
> On 21 February 2017 at 13:14, Joe Bogner <> wrote:
>> After trying to figure it out myself for a few minutes, I remembered to
>> check rosettacode (wonderful resource). This is probably close to what you
>> need:
>> everal_files#PicoLisp
>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:08 AM, Joe Bogner <> wrote:
>>> Hi dean,
>>> I experimented with this problem for a few minutes and didn't come up
>>> with anything worth posting. A few comments though:
>>> 1. Your picolisp code is becoming easier to read. Nice work!
>>> 2. My initial thought was to split the input into words and replace
>>> sublists, however it looks like you don't have a word delimiter (typically
>>> a space)...Since you need to be able to substitute "fl ow" with "flow". As
>>> a result, the best I came up with is something similar (looping through
>>> characters and testing the replacement)
>>> 3. Why do you need to work with bytes vs chars?  (mapcar char (chop
>>> Sfrom)) ?
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 3:37 AM, dean <> wrote:
>>>> I need to globally replace certain words in a text file and because
>>>> I need to process it a byte at a time initially...I'm inputting
>>>> processed list of bytes into the global replace function "lchg"
>>>> (and others) like this.
>>>> (lbytes_to_fl Cleaned_txt_pth
>>>>    (lchg "fl ow" "flow"
>>>>        (fltr2
>>>>            (fltr1
>>>>                 (fl_to_lbytes Txt_pth)))))
>>>> The other filters seem ok but this one is slow (most likely my
>>>> algorithm/general approach :)) and any help to
>>>> speed things up would be much appreciated.
>>>> (de lchg (Sfrom Sto Lbytes)
>>>>    (make
>>>>       (let
>>>>          (X 0
>>>>             B NIL
>>>>             Lfrom (mapcar char (chop Sfrom))
>>>>             Lto (mapcar char (chop Sto))
>>>>             First_from_ch (car Lfrom)
>>>>             Len_from-1 (- (length Lfrom) 1)
>>>>             Len_lbytes (length Lbytes) )
>>>>          (until (<= (length Lbytes) X)
>>>>             (inc 'X)
>>>>             (setq B (get Lbytes X))
>>>>             (if (= B First_from_ch)
>>>>                (prog
>>>>                   (if (= (slice Lbytes X (+ X Len_from-1)) Lfrom)
>>>>                      (prog
>>>>                         (for MatchB Lto
>>>>                            (link MatchB) )
>>>>                         (inc 'X Len_from-1) )
>>>>                      (link B) ) )
>>>>                (link B) ) ) ) ) )
>>>>    (de slice (Lst I K) (head (inc (- K I)) (nth Lst I)) ) #99
>>>> Here's "lchg" in action...
>>>> : (setq L (chop "ab fl ow flow fl ow yz"))
>>>> -> ("a" "b" " " "f" "l" " " "o" "w" " " "f" "l" "o" "w" " " "f" "l" " "
>>>> "o" "w" " " "y" "z")
>>>> : (pack (mapcar char (lchg "fl ow" "flow" (mapcar char L))))
>>>> -> "ab flow flow flow yz"

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