Using Picolisp 'co routine to...

Generate Gosper-curve states from L-System rules

: (GosperGen T)  # Reset
-> T
: (do 64 (prin (GosperGen)))
A-B--B+A++AA+B--+A-BB--B-A++A+B--+A-BB--B-A++A+B+A-B--B+A++AA+B--> "-"
: (GosperGen)
-> "+"
: (GosperGen)
-> "+"
: (GosperGen)
-> "A"

A depth of 12 generates about 32GB worth of information...

This uses very little stack and is easily generalized for other L-Systems
to generate rules for 'growing'  complex images that can be rendered using
the picolisp canvas drawing lib.


# A and B mean to move forward
# + means to turn left 60 degrees
# - means to turn right 60 degrees

(de GosperGen (D)
   (if (=T D)
      (co 'gospergen)
      (co 'gospergen
            (A (chop "A-B--B+A++AA+B-")
               B (chop "+A-BB--B-A++A+B")
               _MaxDepth D
               _Plot '((L) (mapc yield L))
                     ((= X "A") A)
                     ((= X "B") B)
                     (T (list X)) ) )
               '((L D)
                  (if (>= D _MaxDepth)
                     (_Plot L)
                        '((X) (_L-Run (_Fn X) (inc D)))
                        L ) ) ) )
            (default _MaxDepth 13)
            (_L-Run A 1) ) ) ) )

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