
On 2017-03-12 17:10, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hi all,
> it is now possible to build Android Apps completely in PicoLisp!
> I have prepared an environment which lets you run normal PicoLisp (Web-)
> applications on Android devices, without the need to write Java code. I'm 
> using
> it myself in a project for distributed databases currently.
> It requires an Android Studio SDK to build, but the resulting APKs ("Android
> Packages") run on any Arm64 device. The provided code itself is application
> independent. A simple demo and a template skeleton for your own experiments is
> included.
> I will not write a full-fledged Wiki article yet, and better wait for some
> feedback.
> An Adroid SDK project is a monster. Here, on my installation, the "PilBox/"
> folder contains more than ten thousand files!
> I don't know which files exactly I have to export, and what is needed on your
> side to import it into your SDK. I suspect you first need to import it somehow
> in the IDE before you can use the command line build tools.
> The tarball at
> contains a README, trying to explain the details. If anyone dares to try it 
> out,
> please let me know if anything is missing! Together we may be able to describe
> the procedures more clearly, extend the README, and perhaps provide some Wiki
> article(s).
> ♪♫ Alex

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