Hi Stathis,

Two questions on your current setup: 1) are you already using pmacct
against a PF_RING-enabled libpcap? You made reference to this in your
email; 2) Can you determine what makes CPU go to 100%? Is it traffic
rate or classification? Deterimining this is key to steer further


On Sun, Apr 06, 2014 at 08:17:07PM +0300, Stathis Gkotsis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am using pmacctd with libpcap. My configuration is the following:
> daemonize: falsepcap_filter: port 80 // only interested in HTTP 
> trafficplugin_pipe_size: 102400000plugin_buffer_size: 102400aggregate: 
> src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port,proto,classclassifiers: 
> [path_to_classifier]snaplen: 500interface: anyplugins: printprint_num_protos: 
> trueprint_cache_entries: 15485863print_output: csvprint_time_roundoff: 
> mhdprint_output_file: file.%s.%Y%m%d-%H%M.txtprint_refresh_time: 300
> I have defined one classifier and, on the machine I am using, CPU usage of 
> the core process is close to 100%.I have read the relevant FAQ question about 
> high CPU usage and applied what it proposes.
> The question now is how pmacct could cope with more traffic:- are there any 
> other ways to optimize pmacct itself or its configuration?- I was thinking of 
> launching multiple pmacctd instances, each instance receiving a portion of 
> the traffic. This split could be done through BPF filter.  How would you 
> split the traffic? For example, you can split based on one bit of the IP 
> address... The goal would be that the separate instances are balanced in 
> terms of CPU usage.- Is pmacct compiled with all relevant gcc optimizations?
> Thanks,Stathis                                          

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