On 20/10/2014 16:32, Paolo Lucente wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I feel this is documented enough. The QUICKSTART guide, chapter III,
> invites to read README files in the sql/ dir of the tarball if using
> RDBMS. README.mysql and equivalents say:
>   * src_host => ip_src (CHAR(15) NOT NULL, see README.IPv6)
>     - or (INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, if sql_num_hosts: true)
>     - or (INT(16) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, if sql_num_hosts: true and --enable-ipv6)
>   * dst_host => ip_dst (CHAR(15) NOT NULL, see README.IPv6)
>     - or (INT(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, if sql_num_hosts: true)
>     - or (INT(16) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, if sql_num_hosts: true and --enable-ipv6)
> Then README.IPv6 documents precisely the same kind of change to the
> SQL schema that you did by yourself. 
> Cheers,
> Paolo

Hi Paolo,

It's good to see that this is actually documented, but I still think it
would be a good idea to ensure that the example SQL is correct and works
as expected - and this is such a small change it's easy to do so.

IPv6 deployments are only going up and up and this helps remove one
piece of potential confusion.

Thomas Jepp

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