I might have been overthinking this, it seems that no explicit tag/filter
is needed as long as I aggregate on different fields (see below).

It makes sense that nfacctd will not aggregate on primitives that do not
exist (duh), and it provides the kind of filtering that I was looking for,
but is it the proper method to filter or does it just "happen to work" this

pre_tag_filter[options_nbar]:           200
aggregate[options_nbar]:                peer_src_ip, nbar_id, nbar_name,
sql_table[options_nbar]:                pmacct_options_nbar

pre_tag_filter[options_iface]:          200
aggregate[options_iface]:               peer_src_ip, in_iface, iface_short,
sql_table[options_iface]:               pmacct_options_iface



On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 4:54 PM Yann Belin <y.belin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> After following the examples in pmacct documentation, I was able to
> assign different tags to flow and option records (respectively 100 and
> 200) , but I cannot figure out how to assign different tags to
> different "types" of option records in order to store their data in
> different SQL tables.
> For instance, I receive the option records below. What I would like to
> do is to assign tag #200 to "application" records and tag #201 to
> "interface" records but I cannot figure out a way to do it.
> I cannot use the template/flowset ID because it bound to change
> occasionally... I thought about checking the presence of a field
> instead (e.g. 10 v.s. 95) but there is nothing in the pretag_map
> documentation about this. Any ideas?
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 agent         :
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template type : options
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template ID   : 256
> DEBUG ( default/core ): ------------------------------------------------
> DEBUG ( default/core ): |         field type         | offset |  size  |
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | 10                 [10   ] |      0 |      4
> |   Interface input snmp
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | 82                 [82   ] |      4 |     32
> |   Interface name short
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | 83                 [83   ] |     36 |     64
> |   Interface name long
> DEBUG ( default/core ): ------------------------------------------------
> DEBUG ( default/core ): Netflow V9/IPFIX record size : 100
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 agent         :
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template type : options
> DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template ID   : 257
> DEBUG ( default/core ): ------------------------------------------------
> DEBUG ( default/core ): |         field type         | offset |  size  |
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | app id             [95   ] |      0 |      4
> |   Application ID
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | app name           [96   ] |      4 |     24
> |   Application name
> DEBUG ( default/core ): | app desc           [94   ] |     28 |     55
> |   Application description
> DEBUG ( default/core ): ------------------------------------------------
> DEBUG ( default/core ): Netflow V9/IPFIX record size : 83
> Thanks in advance,
> Yann
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