On Apr 24, 2006, at 01:45, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
Robin Berjon wrote:
At the moment, Gecko allows adding a single "onreadystatechange" listener that's notified of changes in readyState. We would like to add the ability to add such listeners via addEventListener; the event name would be "readystatechange".
So basically this would amount to supporting EventTarget on XHR, right?

We already do that -- "load" and "error" events can already be added via addEventListener. The question I have is whether there are any obvious problems with also allowing addition of "readystatechange" event listeners (and firing said events), in terms of interaction with other XMLHttpRequest implementations and with planned future work by the WG.

Ah okay, well as Björn pointed out, adding a new event in no namespace is definitely treading on the WG's toes. Adding it in your own namespace would avoid potential clashes.

Robin Berjon
   Senior Research Scientist
   Expway, http://expway.com/

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