On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 03:07:01PM -0600, Seltzer wrote:
> I'm having some trouble getting a splash screen to work.
> After looking around for a while, i found advice to do it like so:
> gtk.threads_init()
> gtk.gdk.threads_init()
> ...
> sp = splash()
> sp.do_show()
> while gtk.events_pending():
>     gtk.main_iteration()
>     gobject.timeout_add(9000, sp.destroy)
> ...
> main_window.show()
> gtk.threads_enter()
> gtk.main()
> gtk.threads_leve()
> ...
> The problem is that the program hangs when i get the the gtk.threads_enter()
> part,
> It works fine though if i don't have the statements about the splash screen.
> any ideas?
> as an aside... do i need to wrap gtk.main() in threads enter/leave?

Do you _need_ threads, aside from the splash screen?

Here's the framework that I'm using, roughly:

 class MyApp (parentclass_list):
   '''Class implementing your application logic'''
   def app_close (self):
     # cleanup here -- needed this method to close databases etc.,
     # for some reason __del__ was not called on them
     if gtk.main_level() > 0: # needed if app_close is called explicitly

 def create_app (splash, myargs):
     globals()['my_app'] = MyApp (myargs)
   except: # application initiation failed

 def main_init ():
   splash = gtk.Window (gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
   # create splash contents here
   splash.window.set_type_hint (gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_SPLASHSCREEN)
   # needed because the window_type hint above does not work on Win32 :-/
   splash.set_decorated (False)
   splash.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER)

   gobject.idle_add (create_app, splash, myargs)
   if my_app:
     # some method asked called gtk.main_quit

I probably got the splash-initiation-through-gobject.idle_add idea from
the FAQ or mailinglist, a couple of years ago.
The various exit points have grown on top of it during an application's
lifetime, to handle all exit cases. And I also have a quit method in
the application class that idle_add()s the app_close above -- found it
to be most reliable that way. That quit method can then be called from
various signal handlers or methods.



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