
Even if never fixed, any chance you could share what you found as the

Sure thing.

This is how I see the error arises:

When you call the vector to initialise new keywords, the corresponding routine (at label "sb_inipr" in smsq_sbas_inipr_asm) allocates new memory for the new name table and much other information, shuffles the content of the old into the new, de-allocates the old and does quite some more shuffling/updating pointers.

Whenever one is in a procedure, at the end of the procedure, you come to label "bo_return" (in the file smsq_sbas_iprocb_asm). Following the flow of that you will arrive at the following code:

        cmp.l   d4,d5                    ; bottom of locals yet?
        bgt.s   bor_lvloop               ; ... no

        move.l  rt_def(a6,a2.l),d0
        neg.l   d0                       ; address of definition

Unfortunately, the address D0 now points to (which is then copied into A4 and used later) is now wrong. It still seems to point into some of the old memory that was deallocated.

Now, with a bit of luck, the content of that memory hasn't been re-used between the call to sb_inipr and this point in the code, so that the program can continue normally. If not, you will most likely get
into a heap error later:

After the above code, just before you get to the loop at label "bor_fploop", the adress in A4 is used to get the number of parameters to treat. This is most likely wrong, so the loop counter for the loop is (in the case I observed) much bigger than what it should have been (note this could also have happened at label "bor_swloop" a bit earlier on). In the loop at label "bor_fploop" there most likely will be a cbra to label "bor_fpex" to clear the (local) variables used in the procedure via the subroutine at label "bor_clrval".

This leads to label "sb_redat" (in smsq_sbas_aldat_asm) from there to "sad_rlx". This tries to release momory taken up by the (local) variables and, since one does that more often that is should have been, may lead to a heap error at label "sad_error":
        dc.l    $4afbedeb
        bra.s   sad_error
        dc.w    'HEAP'
which will cause the program to hang.

Releasing mem that shouldn't have been could also lead to other interesting errors...

Coming back to the initial error:

        cmp.l   d4,d5                    ; bottom of locals yet?
        bgt.s   bor_lvloop               ; ... no

        move.l  rt_def(a6,a2.l),d0
        neg.l   d0                       ; address of definition

Interestingly, the area pointed to by (A6,A2) was indeed copied from the old mem to the new - unfortunately, the pointer at rt_def(a6,a2.l) within that was not updated. Finding out where that pointer originally pointed to and then trying to set it to the corresponding new memory location does not seem trivial to me, and the risk of breaking the entire program just seems too great to me. I'd love to be proved wrong...

Have fun


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