
Wolf wrote: 
> In the boot all file separators are "." (eg. "tk.bin"), but when 
> dezipped, the file separators are "_" as they should be, so the boot 
> can't find them.

There is the -Q1 option in unzip to reverse the "_" <-> "." 
Eg. EX unzip,#1; "-Q1 dos7_PCBDesign752.zip -d ram6_"
and they all come out with dots in them !

I have run the code and this does work well using QPC2, in extended screen size.

As a matter of interest, I tried my new Turbo parser on the BASIC code, and 
this was the result ..

**** ERROR at 32210: Variable assignment expected.  
++++ Warning at 2570: Not assigned: global WinW2  
++++ Warning at 2570: Not assigned: global WinH2  
++++ Warning at 2570: Not assigned: global WinX2  
++++ Warning at 2570: Not assigned: global WinY2  
++++ Warning at 15290: Not assigned: global GScale 

TURBO: Parsing done, at 197440 statements per minute.
1 error and 5 warnings.

The 1 ERROR refers to "CD" which presumably is CHANGE_DIR, or DATA_USE

The 5 variables would have been initialised to zero, which may be acceptable,
unless you are using "AH" or "JM", in which case you'll get an "error in 

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