Jeremy Taffel wrote:

>I was that UQLX user. I had seen Dilwyn's collection of on-line
mauals and noted that >Minerva was not include. It seems a bit sad
that now that Minerva 1.89 is available >gratis, that users like
myself, while vaguely aware of some of the benefits compared >with
JS/JM ROM versions, we are totally unable to take advantage of them.
>If you do have a printed maual I could have, please contact me
privately. Depending on >its format/size, perhaps I could volunteer to
scan it in and OCR it?

The manual I have for Minerva is fairly old (QView days) and A5 fairly
small print. Not sure it would OCR reliably.

If you do manage to OCR it, Jeremy, email me a copy and I'll do the
necessaries with Tony Firshman and Laurence Reeves to try to get it
put on a website (e.g. mine). Tony is not unsympathetic to the issue
of replacement manuals (and dare I say it, for hardware traders making
the replacement manuals available online shouldn't cause much of a
piracy issue, indeed it might well save them time and expense
supplying replacement manuals!)
from what little I've spoken to him on the issue.

Dilwyn Jones

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