
I wasn't sure if anyone is watching the bug tracker of sf.net, so I'm
trying here first. I noticed recently that the vacation/auto-responder 
messages is formated strangely with extra From and Subject lines in
the e-mail body. I was able to track it down. In the function
makevacation in the file user.c, you'll see 

  fprintf(f, "From: %s@%s\n", ActionUser, Domain);
  fprintf(f, "Subject: %s\n\n%s", subject, Message);

That explains why the file domain/user/vacation/message contains these
extra headers. So should we fix the makevacation function or is it 
better to improve autorespond program so it uses these extra headers?

I have check autorespond 2.0.4 and qmailadmin 2.16.


PS! Am I really the only one seeing this problem?


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