
I actually did try using a sizeof parameter, but that gave me compile
errors. As I said, I'm not a C guy, so it is more than likely user
error/misunderstanding. Thank you for pointing me into the right
direction though, util.c does have a function already; loweri().

Incase anyone is curious about the answer (I know I hate finding
mailing lists or forums where the OP just says "I figured it out") I
modified the trivial password section, in user.c, as follows:

  if ( strstr(Newu,Password1)!=NULL) {
    snprintf (StatusMessage, sizeof(StatusMessage), "%s\n", html_text[320]);

If you make this change be aware that there are two places in user.c
where it is needed; adduser and moduser.

Again, thanks for the input and the nudge in the right direction!


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 4:48 AM, Tom Collins <> wrote:
> I can't recall the API for GetValue, but the call there doesn't look
> correct.  There should have been some compiler errors in there...
> Is the fourth parameter the size of the buffer at the second parameter?  If
> so, keep it set to "sizeof Newu", or however you see it in other function
> calls.
> And Simone Lazzaris is correct, tolower() take a single char as an argument
> (not a pointer to a string) and returns the lowercase version of that char.
> There are functions already in QmailAdmin for converting an entire string to
> lowercase or uppercase.  It's been many years since I've worked with that
> code, so I can't remember the names.  Try looking in util.c.
> -Tom


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