Thanks Georges, Matthias, and Philip for the further pointers:

Helped by your comments I inferred that I could construct a legitimate
unsupplied-arg case using case-lambda.

I think that this is the kind of illustration would be helpful in the docs:

#lang racket

(module server racket
  (provide (contract-out
            [f (->* (number?) (number?) number?)]
            [g (->i ([a real?])
                    ([b real?])
                    (result real?)
                    #:post (a b result)
                    (let ([B (if (unsupplied-arg? b) (default-b) b)])
                      (= (* (sgn a) (sgn B)) (sgn result))))]))

(define (default-b) 10)

(define f (case-lambda
            [(a) (+ a (default-b))]
            [(a b) (+ a b)]))

(define g (case-lambda
            [(a) (* a (default-b))]
            [(a b) (* a b)])))

(require 'server)

(f 10)
(f 10 -5)

(g 10)
(g 10 -5)

I suppose this falls into the class of learning challenges where certain
aspects of the design of a feature are explained by the existence of
"advanced" concepts that not everyone may be yet using routinely, or even
be familiar with.


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