On 30 September 2016 at 19:47, Mahdi, Sam <sam.mahdi....@my.csun.edu> wrote:
> I get the same results with the full path mpirun -np 5 ~/relax-4.0.2/relax
> --multi="mpi4py" -v
> Still no output.

The reason is because either OpenMPI or mpi4py are not working.  If
you compiled OpenMPI, then you'll have to compile mpi4py against that
self-compiled version of MPI.  Having multiple versions of MPI on the
system might be problematic, unless you know how to set your
environmental variables correctly for compilation and linking.  If you
cannot run the mpi4py demo that comes with the mpi4py source code,
then you do not have it set up correctly.  If you need help setting up
mpi4py for Python, please see the "Discussion and Support" section at
https://pythonhosted.org/mpi4py/ .  I don't think anyone on the relax
mailing lists have experience with broken mpi4py installations and can
help you fix this.



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