Aveti mai jos un caz care a facut VALVA in SUA in anii`80 mai ales in lumea 
JUDICIARA.Altfel spus in 1980 in SUA a existat un fel de CIOACA care a vrut sa 
scape de NEVASTA SA plina de bani ca sa se insoare cu amanta si si-a otravit 
nevasta care nu a murit dar a ramas in stare vegetativa de COMA timp de 28 de 
ani.E un scenariu de filme COLOMBO adica de CRIME CONSPIRATIVE minutios 
premeditate.Numai ca ,desi Politia si-a facut datoria,acel criminal si-a tocmit 
AVOCATI JIDANI,profesori de drept la Harvard(care stiu bine sa jongleze cu 
legea) pe care i-a platit cu o gramada de bani(ca doar JIDANUL cand vede BANI 
MULTI se aprinde imediat) si acesta l-a scapat de puscarie(caci a adus la 
Tribunal o comisie de experti legisti si toxicologi,JIDANI ca si ei ca sa 
depuna marturie in favoarea criminalului),asta dupa ce cu an inainte incercase 
sa-si omoare nevasta.Numai ca acel criminal nu s-a putut bucura de avere ,a 
parasit tzara iar avocatul JIDAN pentru ca l-a
 scapat de 10 de ani de puscarie a ramas cu banetul,ca se da o gramada de banet 
in SUA in cazuri d-astea complicate de crima.Iata asadar o noua fatza a 
IUDEOMASONERIEI infiltrata in justitie,universitati si spitale care actioneaza 
prin scursorile jidanesti si care profita financiar de alte scursori.Iata de ce 
in anii`30 pe vremea legionarilor JIDANII au fost scosi din BAROURI 
,UNIVERSITATI, SPITALE(numerus clausus si mumerus NULUS) si din toate domeniile 
publice pentru a fi dezinfectate de acele scursori nenorocite care iata ca-si 
dau arama pe fatza in tzara LIBERTATII si DEMOCRATZIEI care este SUA.
Cazul asta seamana izbitor cu cel al Corinei Vasile ,profesoara de romana de la 
un liceu din Bucuresti care era combinata cu unul din elevii sai care s-a 
sinucis in casa lui.Desi ea nu a fost acuzata de nimic,verdictul publicului 
este ca acel elev a fost ucis la comanda ca sa scape de el,iar Corina Vasile 
stie multe despre moartea lui.Ca si in acel caz unde criminalul s-a refugiat in 
Londra (desi era clar ca daca a incercat in 1979 s-o omoare ,a incercat si in 
1980 ca daca odata nu i-a reusit,a doua oara i-a reusit din plin) si in cazul 
Corina Vasile ea s-a refugiat in Anglia.Ceea ce spune totul despre vinovatia ei.
NEW YORK – Martha "Sunny" von Bulow, an heiress who spent the last 28 years of 
her life in oblivion after what prosecutors alleged in a pair of sensational 
trials were two murder attempts by her husband, died Saturday at age 76.
She died at a nursing home in New York, her children said in a statement issued 
by family spokeswoman Maureen Connelly.
Sunny von Bulow was a personification of romantic notions about high society — 
a stunning heiress who brought her American millions to marriages with men who 
gave her honored old European names.
But she ended her days in a coma, showing no sign of awareness as she was 
visited by her children and tended around the clock by nurses.
In the 1980s, she was the offstage presence that haunted her husband's two 
sensational trials in Newport and Providence, R.I.
At the first trial, in 1982, Claus von Bulow was convicted of trying twice to 
kill her by injecting her with insulin at their estate in Newport, R.I. That 
verdict was thrown out on appeal, and he was acquitted at a second trial in 
The murder case split Newport society, produced lurid headlines and was later 
made into the 1990 film, "Reversal of Fortune," starring Glenn Close and Jeremy 
Claus von Bulow is now living in London, "mostly taking care of his 
grandchildren," said Alan Dershowitz, the defense lawyer who handled the appeal 
and won his acquittal at the second trial. He wrote the book "Reversal of 
Fortune: Inside the von Bulow Case," on which the movie was based.
Dershowitz said there was "overwhelming" evidence that her coma was 
self-induced — caused by a "large ingestion of drugs, and Claus had nothing to 
do with it," Dershowitz said.
"There are no winners in a case like this," he added.
Claus von Bulow's main accusers were his wife's children by a previous marriage 
to Austrian Prince Alfred von Auersperg — Princess Annie-Laurie "Ala" von 
Auersperg Isham and Prince Alexander von Auersperg. They renewed the charges 
against their stepfather in a civil lawsuit a month after his acquittal.
Two years later, Claus von Bulow agreed to give up any claims to his wife's 
estimated $25 million-to-$40 million fortune and to the $120,000-a-year income 
of a trust she set up for him. He also agreed to divorce her, leave the country 
and never profit from their story.
Sales of Sunny von Bulow's property brought $4.2 million from her oceanfront 
estate in Newport, $6.25 million from her 12-room apartment on Fifth Avenue in 
Manhattan, and $11.5 million from the art and antiques from the homes.
Prosecutors contended that Claus von Bulow wanted to get rid of his wife to 
inherit a large chunk of her wealth and be free to marry a mistress. The 
defense countered by painting Sunny von Bulow, who suffered from low blood 
sugar, as an alcoholic and pill popper who drank herself into a coma.
Claus Von Bulow was accused of injecting his wife with insulin first in 
December 1979, causing a coma from which she revived. Prosecutors said he tried 
again a year later, on Dec. 21, 1980, and the 49-year-old heiress fell into 
what her children on Saturday called "a persistent vegetative state."
Her world was reduced to a private, guarded room in the Harkness Pavilion and 
later the McKeen Pavilion of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. She died at 
the Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home, her family said.
Her doctor testified that the cost of maintaining her was $375,000 the first 
year, 1981.
No figures were available for the years that followed, but by the early 1990s, 
room charges were up to about $1,500 a day — $547,000 a year — plus $200,000 to 
$300,000 for round-the-clock private nursing. 
She was born Martha Sharp Crawford aboard a railcar in Manassas, Va., on Sept. 
1, 1932, daughter of utilities tycoon George Crawford, who died when she was 4. 
Sunny, nicknamed for her disposition, was raised by her mother in New York 
While touring Europe with her mother, she met Prince Alfred von Auersperg, who 
was younger, penniless and working as a tennis pro at an Austrian resort 
catering to rich Americans. They were married in 1957 and divorced eight years 
later after she returned alone to New York with their young son and daughter. 
On June 6, 1966, she married von Bulow, who then quit his job as an aide to 
oilman J. Paul Getty. He could not immediately be reached for comment Saturday. 
In addition to her two children from her first marriage, Sunny von Bulow is 
survived by Cosima Pavoncelli, a daughter from her marriage to von Bulow. 
Pavoncelli sided with her father during the trials. 

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