On 03/08/2011 06:49 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
On 03/08/2011 11:29 AM, carlopmart wrote:
Hi all,

I am reading docs about ScientificLinux and I have a doubt. Which are
the differences between fastbugs and updates on ScientificLinux? Is
mandatory to install both or not to have a fully patched system??


I'm hoping your real question is the difference between fastbugs and
security updates. I've been trying to make sure we call them security
updates and not just updates. If I've messed up somewhere, please let me
know so I can fix the documentation.

Security updates are just that, only security updates as classified by
RedHat if they supply the package, or by Scientific Linux if we supply
the package.
These security updates go out to every version of a major release. An
example would be that a firefox update for SL5 goes out to SL 5.0
through 5.5.
Security updates are enabled by default.
Here is an example of packages RedHat classifies as security updates.

Fastbugs are everything else. They are what RedHat calls "Bug Fixes",
"Enhancements", or "FasTrack" These are not security fixes, but rather
bug fixes.
The fastbugs updates only go out to the latest release (the x release),
so currently only 4.8, 5.5, and 6.0 get fastbugs. This is because RedHat
creates and tests these updates only on their latest release.
Fastbugs updates are not enabled by default.
Examples of Fastbugs:

There are two exceptions to the above rule.
1 - If a security errata requires a package that is marked as a fastbug,
that package, and all of it's dependencies if needed, are put in the
security updates area.
2 - There is a short list of packages that are usually classified as
"bug fixes" or "enhancements" that need to get put into security and be
installed by everyone when they come out. These are tzdata and


Thanks troy. Yes I am asking about security updates. All is clear for me, now

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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