Dear all!

I'm still working on this kind of button-like widget and I want to implement
the behaviour when hovering over the button.
Unfortunately, the button_state does not work as I expected (maybe I
expected it wrong). 

When I click somewhere, continue to hold down the mouse button (so there is
no SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP event) and move the mouse, shouldn't
$event->button_state return SDL_PRESSED (which is 1)?
Because, using the script attached, I always get SDL_RELEASED (0).
The single case where I get SDL_PRESSED is when I check it on

So, is this behaviour intended? 
Or, to ask it in another way: do I have to keep track of the
SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP event myself in order to determine if the user still holds
down the mouse button?

Kind regards,


use strict;
use warnings;
use SDL;
use SDLx::App;
use SDL::Event;  # for the event object itself
use SDL::Events; # functions for event queue handling

my $app = SDLx::App->new(
        title => 'text wrap',
        exit_on_quit => 1,
        init => SDL_INIT_VIDEO

$app->add_show_handler( \&render );
$app->add_event_handler( \&handle_events );



sub handle_events {
    my $event = shift;
        my $controller = shift;
    if( $event->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
        printf "Button state: [%s]\n",$event->button_state;

sub render {
    my ($delta, $app) = @_;
} # /render

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