> Again  to combat this we just need additional developer/s so that we
> can dedicate one to maintenance and the other/s to innovation.

So  you  have  a  single  developer  who  is  working full-time on the
product,   and   the  maintenance  of  the  product  takes  an  entire
person-day?  Like  on  every given day, you spend the whole day making
sure  the  existing feature set works with the then-current version of
IMail and SmarterMail?

Dunno,  man,  I  think  some  of  Andy's  comments  about  the rate of
development of new features sound more plausible. Uncomfortable though
it  is  to  point fingers at other developers, the bottom line is that
you   seem   like   *less*   than   a   one-man-show.   And   even   a
part-time-one-man-show  setup might be perfectly fine! But the obvious
presence  of  other  management "players" that make it seem a lot less
pure.  I  would  guess  that  a  lot  of us knowingly put our faith in
one-man-shows (I will proudly come out as a user of CrushFTP, which is
blatantly  supported by one guy, Ben -- but he throws his life into it
as  Scott  once  did,  for better or worse), because we want people to
have  that  same faith in our small companies. But everything needs to
be up front.

> Yes that community was (and what is left) is extremely helpful and useful.

I  can  speak  as someone who verrrrry lightly supports Declude at one
distant  customer  at this point (like, an hour per 6 months), but who
once  was  very  active  here. Once Declude decided it was going to go
"big-time"  without  building a GUI configurator, I knew this wouldn't
work.  It  is  that  very  strange class of Windows-based product that
is/was  loved  by  the  most  technical  fringe  of  the  Windows/SMTP
community  for  its  flexibility,  though  it sometimes seemed to have
opacity  just  short  of  Sendmail  macros! But once you stop building
features,  knowing the secret world isn't fun anymore. There were just
so many misapprehensions about the promise of the product at the point
that you went corporate that I felt it was all downhill. An ex-partner
of  mine  once  whined,  "Why can't *we* be a giant software company?"
"Because," I said, "there are two of us working [then] on a product to
sell to maybe 200 people."

> time. But if I should speak for myself. I realize I can't make everyone
> happy its part of my job. Here is a case in point, let's use this scenario.

> 1.       AVG fails

> 2.        IMail release version 11 which is incompatible with Declude

This  is  an incomplete scenario by a long shot. How many person-hours
must  be  committed  for  each  fix?  Do  you  find  out  about  IMail
incompatibility  in  a  pre-release  beta  version,  before anyone can
reasonably squawk about 0day incompatibility?

> If I choose to fix AVG first  - IMail users scream

If  you  found  about  a  non-working  antivirus  _in production_, but
non-working IMail _in beta_, there is no choice!

Also,  it  would appear that non-working AV is not only more urgent in
its  own  right,  but  would affect ALL users -- so this is really bad
example for your viewpoint.

> The only thing that would change this current situation is revenues which
> means price increase. (Maybe it is time?)

Maybe it is time to

[a] dissolve the company as is

[b] sell the product to a developer

[c] (re)package it as an owner-maintained, purpose-built software tool

[d] build up from there as needed

I  would  hope  there  is  enough  revenue  to keep a single developer
supported  at an industry-standard income + do some marketing. I mean,
not  every  product  is  meant  to  beat  the  world financially. Some
products just are destined to lead technically.


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