Hi Regina,

On Monday, 2008-03-10 18:15:29 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:

> significant digits. I looked around for some better coefficient and
> found them in Apache Library
> Are we allowed to use this values?

You mean to use only the coefficient values? I have no idea whether
coefficient values could be copyrighted or fall under the same license
the source code is licensed, and of course IANAL, so I can't give any
legal advice.

> The result would be excellent. If you compare in a Calc cell the values
> calculated with GAMMALN with the directly calculated values (which is
> possible for GAMMALN(n) and GAMMALN(n+0.5) with positive integer n) you
> will get TRUE.

Sounds nice, but ...

Btw, do you happen to know the Cephes library? It also has gamma (didn't
test, could you take a look at it?) among other nice algorithms, and is
said to be numerically accurate, several other software products use it
as well. See http://www.moshier.net/#Cephes

I currently favour that library, it looks like it could solve our
numerical stability problems, and maybe more. Unfortunately the license
is somewhat unclear, respectively there's just a "may be used freely"
statement. I'll get in contact with Steve and see whether we can arrange
something for the legal department.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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