As xmodmap doesn't work anymore, I'm trying to switch to xkb.
I hacked /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/us to make the laptop keyboard
more like a Unix keyboard:

--- us- Mon Jul 20 14:56:22 2009
+++ us  Mon Jul 20 15:09:41 2009
@@ -334,10 +334,18 @@
     key <RWIN> {       [       Multi_key       ]       };
-// defintion which includes both the Windows95 keyboards _and_
+// definition which includes both the Windows95 keyboards _and_
 // the extra key on most European keyboards.
 xkb_symbols "pc105" {
     include "us(pc104)"
+    key <ESC>  { [     grave,  asciitilde      ] };
+    key <TLDE> { [    Escape,  asciitilde      ] };
+    override key <BKSP> { [ backslash, bar     ]       };
+    // key <BKSP> { [ backslash,       bar     ]       };
+    key <BKSL> { [ BackSpace,  bar     ]       };
+    key <RALT> { [     grave,  asciitilde      ] };
     key <LSGT> { [      less,    greater       ] };
 xkb_symbols "pc105euro" {

This works reasonably well except for Shift-Backspace: it produces
'\' not '|'. Is there some trick to get the desired result?

PS: I tried it also without "override" (which I took from the apple
file), but that doesn't work either.

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