Hi Frederic,

What i would recommend is: use pmacctd with the nfprobe plugin to build
flows out of packets; the flow engine is present in pmacct but is not
hooked up to other plugins, ie. the print one that you are using. Then,
you can recollect the output of the nfprobe plugin with nfacctd - there
you can use the print plugin to save to disk.

I guess you can do a quick proof-of-concept of all of this on the same
single box you are using now:

* pmacctd -i <interface> -P nfprobe 
* nfacctd -P print -c 

Wait a bit so that pmacctd exports data and nfacctd prints it out. Or,
even more debug mode :), you can press CTRL+C in pmacctd tab first, and
after few secs, in nfacctd tab. In this second tab you should see some
data output. The flow engine will populate timestamp_start/timestamp_end
primitives that, in turn, will trigger the de-aggregation you need. 

You may take it from there if satisfied and complicate things further as
needed (adjust active/passive timeouts for the flow engine, save to files,
enable time-binning, etc).


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 05:41:49PM +0200, frederic.bil...@laposte.net wrote:
> Hi, 
> I just discover pmacct. 
> I read the documentation and examples, but wasn't able to obtain the result I 
> want. I also looked at this mailing list for the current year. 
> I want to log each TCP and UDP connections: 
> src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port,proto,timestamp_start,timestamp_end (or 
> timestamp_start,duration) 
> I just don't want to log each packet, because of the huge storage involved. 
> For example a SSH connection will only produce one log line, indicating from 
> where (src ip:port) to where (dst ip:port) how (proto) and when (start:end or 
> start:duration). Total bytes and/or packets are nice too. 
> Ideally other protocols should be treated in the same way, but this is not an 
> issue. 
> I tested with: 
> pmacctd -P print -O csv -r 60 -i eth0 -c 
> src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port,proto,timestamp_start,timestamp_end 
> But this don't do want I need: each packet has its own line because I use 
> timestamps. So I removed the timestamps but for example if two TCP 
> connections with same src_ip:port dst_ip:port are made one after one, they 
> are all added and displayed on the same line (okay, I can do with this). And 
> of course I don't have the start timestamp nor the duration, which is 
> mandatory. 
> The log will be written to a flat file. 
> I can manage without problem to have "60 seconds blocks" (this is an 
> arbitrary duration): if a connection cross the boundary of a 60 second block, 
> I have no problem to (partially) see this connection once on each block. 
> Is it doable with pmacct? 
> If yes, how? 
> I hope my question is clear enought. 
> Feel free to ask for clarifications. 

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