Hello there!

I'm trying to tag my flows per set of hosts (each set is a customer) and record them into mysql.
So, here is my (testing) pretag.map file :

set_tag=101 ip= filter='src host'
set_tag=102 ip= filter='src host'
set_tag=103 ip= filter='src net'
set_tag=106 ip=

And the relevant part of my sfacctd.conf file :

! tag filtering
pre_tag_map: /etc/pmacct/pretag.map
pre_tag_filter[if-out]: 101-106

! aggregate definitions
aggregate[if-out]: tag, src_host

With that configuration, flows done by are well recorded with '' value in the 'ip_src' mysql field, but they are never tagged with '101', nor '102', nor even '103' values. They are tagged with '106' value. Like if the filter never matches.
I have no idea why, could someone help please ? Thanks a lot !



*Aurélien* *Kempiak*
*System & Network Engineer*

*Fixe :* 03 59 82 20 05

125 Avenue de la République 59110 La Madeleine
12 rue Marivaux 75002 Paris

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