Minimal test file:


Error message: ! Too many }'s. ....

Solution (patch output from diff):

 <   % \newif\ifpdf     % Does not work when ifpdf is defined.
 <   \newboolean{pdf}   % Hack/bug fix by HF Nordhaug, 13.05.2002
 >   \newif\ifpdf

The problem occurs when ifpdf is already defined by the package ifpdf.
LaTeX does not see an end to the \ifpdf and aborts sooner or later. I
guess there are better ways to solve this, but the use of \newboolean is
the only way I know of to avoid the \ifpdf statement.

Best regards, Hans

PS! I have reported this bug earlier (December 2001) off the list without
    any response, but hope the maintainer will notice now.

   Hans Fredrik Nordhaug,       |   web:
      Dr. Scient (2001)         |   phone:    (+47) 45 44 34 31
    Department of Mathematics,  |   fax:      (+47) 55 58 96 72
    University of Bergen        |   e-mail:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    5008 Bergen, Norway         |

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