I've recently noticed another upsurge in spam coming through my email server. Currently, I am using the "IsInWhiteList" matcher to allow mail from known good senders and the BayesianAnalysis matcher to look for spam (lots of spam feed but maybe not enough ham). That has helped quite a bit. I am also using InSpammerBlacklist=dnsbl.njabl.org. I just stumbled upon Spamhaus and I am wondering if it may be

Is anyone using zen.spamhaus.org and does it seem to be more effective than dnsbl.njabl.org? Any issues with using it? I assume the following is all I need to add to my config.xml:

        <mailet match="InSpammerBlacklist=zen.spamhaus.org"
          <processor> spam </processor>
<notice>550 Requested action not taken: rejected - see http://zen.spamhaus.org/ </notice>


-- Bud

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