
I see in the SGD 4.5 admin guide that wildcard certs are supported for
the first domain of an SSL cert, e.g. *.domain.com:

(page 26)
SGD supports the use of the wildcard for the first part of the domain name, for
example .indigo-insurance.com.

I've obtained a commercial certificate for my SGD server for
*.my.domain.com, and successfully installed it. After rebooting the
server, when I go to https://server.my.domain.com/sgd, I get this

Error Page
The following exception was thrown:

I previously had this problem with RHEL5, and an earlier post pointed
me to my /etc/hosts file. I have ensured that my /etc/hosts file is
currently correct, and that my domain name is set.

I see no errors in any logs.

The admin console works, and I can perform all my tasks through it
with no problem over https.

I ensured that the wildcard cert I installed was the cert in use via
my web browsers certificate store.

Any thoughts?


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