I'm currently running SGD on a pair of SunFire T5120s.  These have the T2
chipset which have cryptographic accelarators built in which give hugh SSL
performance benefits.

The T1/T2 cryptographic accelarator is described in blueprint at

Since these servers were purchased specifically to run SGD, and in part
because of the T2 chipset's cryptographic accelarators, I'd really like to
take advantage of them for our SGD installation.

However, I've tried specifying the SSLCryptoDevice in my SGD gateway
server's apache2 configuration with:
  SSLCryptoDevice pkcs11

but when I restart the gateway, I get the error message:
  SSLCryptoDevice: Invalid argument; must be one of: 'builtin' (none), 
'dynamic' (Dynamic engine loading support), '4758cca' (IBM 4758 CCA hardware 
engine support), 'aep' (Aep hardware engine support), 'atalla' (Atalla hardware 
engine support), 'cswift' (CryptoSwift hardware engine support), 'chil' (CHIL 
hardware engine support), 'nuron' (Nuron hardware engine support), 'sureware' 
(SureWare hardware engine support), 'ubsec' (UBSEC hardware engine support)

which suggests that some point in the chain doesn't include Sun's own
support fo the PKCS#11 engine.

Is there any way that I can get the benefit of the PKCS11 engine without
recompiling the Apache shipped with both SGD and the SGD gateway?

Thanks in advance for any advice,


Systems Developer

e: andrew.nic...@luns.net.uk
im: a.nic...@jabber.lancs.ac.uk
t: +44 (0)1524 5 10147

Lancaster University Network Services is a limited company registered in
England and Wales. Registered number: 04311892. Registered office:
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