Quoting Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Feb 20, 2008 6:13 AM, Stathis Papaioannou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The possibility of mind uploading to computers strictly depends on
functionalism being true; if it isn't then you may as well shoot
yourself in the head as undergo a destructive upload. Functionalism
(invented, and later repudiated, by Hilary Putnam) is philosophy of
mind if anything is philosophy of mind, and the majority of cognitive
scientists are functionalists. Are you still happy asserting that it's
all bunk?

Philosophy is in most cases very inefficient, hence wasteful. It puts
very much into building its theoretical constructions, few of which
are useful for understainding reality. It might be fun for those who
like this kind of thing, but it is a bad tool.

I would beg to differ. Philosophy, science and society dance together.
Philosophy contributes to understanding reality or whatever reality might be.

Vladimir Nesov

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