: Thanks for getting back to me. The folder /var/lib/tomcat5/solr/home
: exists as does /var/lib/tomcat5/solr/home/conf/solrconfig.xml. It's
: basically a copy of the files from examples folder at this point.
: I put war files in /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps, so I have the
: apache-solr-1.2.0.war file outside of the webapps folder.
: Are there any special permissions these files need? I have them owned by
: the tomcat user.

that should be fine ... is /var/lib/tomcat5/solr/home/ writable by the 
tomcat user so it can make the ./data and ./data/index directories?

are you sure there aren't any other errors in the logs above the one you 
mentioned already?


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