On 03/03/2017 12:08 PM, Евгений Рымарев wrote:
Hello everyone!
I have Flask app with using flask_sqlalchemy:

fromflask importFlask
fromflask_sqlalchemy importSQLAlchemy
app =Flask(__name__)
db =SQLAlchemy(app=app)

I want connect to same database from daemon. In daemon i just import db
and use db.engine.execute for SQLAlchemy queries.
But when daemon starts main app can't connect to database.
In log i see that:
fdb.fbcore.DatabaseError:('Error while connecting to database:\n-
SQLCODE: -902\n- I/O error during "lock" operation for file
"main.fdb"\n- Database already opened with engine instance, incompatible
with current',-902,335544344)

I trying use isolation level:

So the Firebird dialects in SQLAlchemy have no "isolation level" support. But also, the isolation level feature in SQLAlchemy dialects set this value *after* the connection is made. The error you are getting indicates that you aren't connecting in the first place; so hopefully this is resolved by setting a certain isolation level on all connections.

In any case, to call firebird-specific APIs like isolation levels when you connect, use the pool connect event:


so on your Engine (I'm not sure how to do this with Flask, wherever they do create_engine or you can do it on the Engine class globally)

engine = create_engine("firebird+fdb://...")

@event.listens_for(engine, 'connect')
def receive_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):

above you'd replace "call_special_firebird_method" with whatever you need to make this setting on the DBAPI connection.


And replace this:
db =SQLAlchemy()

db =TPBAlchemy()

But this only make another error:
TypeError:Invalidargument(s)'isolation_level'sent to
FBDialect_fdb/QueuePool/Engine. Pleasecheck that the keyword arguments
are appropriate forthiscombination of components.

I would appreciate the full example to address my issue.

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