
I need access to MySQLdb.connection.error() and MySQLdb.connection.errno(), as 
we have a database which is throwing custom error codes that are higher than 
CR_MAX_ERROR (for reference: 

My actual code looks like something along these lines:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
engine = create_engine(url)
sql = "SELECT... "

   conn = engine.connect()
   rows = conn.execute(text(sql))
except Exception as e:
   if hasattr(conn.connection, "error"):

I've also tried:

err_conn = conn._branch()
   err_conn = engine.connect()
   rows = err_conn.execute(text(sql))
except Exception as e:
   if hasattr(err_conn.connection, "error"):

with no luck.

I'm not sure how to write a minimal test that just uses vanilla MySQL, because 
I'm not sure how to trigger an error with a errno > CR_MAX_ERROR other than in 
our system.

I'm losing the information somehow, via a connection being closed/reopened or 
something? I'm not really sure. What might be the a way to handle this without 
just using raw_connection or writing a new dialect?


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