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Dear All:

I just received this from the head of the Cuban Peace movement.  Please
circulate widely and protest this travesty of justice in any way you
can---letters/calls to government leaders and editors, demonstrations,
articles for alternative media, etc.
Karen Talbot

Dear friends:

We have known that the big press of that country has not published the
message to the United States people written and signed by our five
countrymen, in prison today in Miami, stating that they have unjustly been
The coarse fakes weaved by Miami mafia, found echo in the extreme right of
the United States, and it takes advantage to continue the aggressive and
coarse escalade against our country.
We consider necessary that this message reaches many honest citizens who
are unaware of such developments that have on purpose been silenced.
I attached copy of the message in order for you, according to your
possibilities, to make it reach the largest possible amount of friends.
We would like to know, when you can, the result of your always-successful


Orlando Fundora López  


We are five loyal Cubans, who for 33 months and five days have endured a
severe imprisonment in the jails of a nation where hostility against our
own is obvious with its authorities. Then, after a long and infamous trial
directed by manifestly political objectives, methods and procedures and
overwhelmed by a real deluge of maliciously concocted propaganda, we have
decided to address the American people to let them know the truth, that we
are the victims of a terrible injustice.
We have been accused of endangering the security of the United States and
indicted on numerous charges, including crimes such as conspiracy to commit
murder that could not, and cannot, be proven for they are false but for
which we could be sentenced to dozens of years of imprisonment and even to
life sentences.
A body of Miami jurors, and this explains it al!, declared us guilty of al!
charges. But we are just Cuban patriots and it was never our intent to
cause any harm to neither the values nor the integrity of the American
0ur tiny nation, that has heroically survived four decades of aggressions
and threats to its national security, of subversive plans, sabotages and
destabilization, has every right to defend itself from its enemies who keep
using the U. 5. territory to plan, organize and finance terrorist actions
breaking your own laws in the process.
Our country is also entitled to peace, respect for its sovereignty and for
our most sacred interests.
In the four years that we have spent in this country, we have never stopped
wondering why is it that our two peoples cannot uve in peace a,id how is it
possible that the mean interests of the extreme right, including terrorist
groups and organizations made up by Cuban Amencans, can strain relations
between two peoples that are 'so close geagraphically and that could easily
maintain relations based on respect and equality.
ln our prison stay we have had the time fo reflect on our behavior in this
country and we can say, without the shadow of a doubt, that neither with
our attitude nor our actions have we in any waj' interfered with, or
jeopardized the secunity of, the American people. What we have certainly
done is contribute fo exposing terrorist plans and actions against our
people, thus preventing the death of innocent Cubans and Amencans.
Why is it necessary for Cuban patniots fo stay away from their lo ved ones
and postpone an otherwise joy ful life with their families and people fo
discharge the honorable duty of protecting their homeland?
Why are the U.S. authorities tolerant with these terrorists who act against
our country? Why don't they investigate or take action against the
terronist plans denounced by Cuba on try fo prevent the numerous attempts
against the life of our lea ders?
Why is it that the pro fessed authors of these and other terrorist actions
are sf111 loase ~n South Florida as was clearly established during the
Who trained them and who are allowing them fo carry out their plans? Who
are those really endangening the security of the United States of America?
They are the terrorist groups made up by Cuban Americans and their
política! and economic mentors in America who are gnawing away at the
credibility of thís country, giving this nation an appearance of
ruthlessness and misleading its institutions fo an inconsistent, prejudiced
and erra tic behavior. They are the same individuals who forestal! a
serious and sensitiva approach fo Cuba related issues.
Such groups and their mentors have joined in a coordinated dnive fo bring
about con flict between our twa countries. To that end, they keep
promoting with both the legislativa and the executive branches of
government increasingly aggressive measures against Cuba.
They want fo continua fo update a Ion g-standing histary of invasians,
sabota ges, bioíogical aggressions and other similar actions, while sparing
no effort fo create -situations that might lead fo incidenfs of grave canse
quences fo bofh aun peoples.
The result of such aggressions againsf Cuba is that 3478 peaple were killed
and 2099 were maimed befween 1959 and 1999, notwifhstanding veiy cas fly
material losses.
Yet, they persisf in thair propaganda campaigns offening fha American
people a distorfed image of Cuba and trying fo prevent wifh different
pretaxts, laws and regulations fhat Amenicans travel fneely fo Cuba tb know
fir~t hand the real situation fhere. Likewise, they set every abs fade fa
coopera fian in aneas of common interest such as ille gal migra fian and
drug-trafficking thaf bnings so much pain fo fha American people. Al! this
is compounded by constanf requests fon ever higher and fresh amounts of
money from fha government, thus affecting the American taxpayer~ simpIy fa
finance their actions against Cuba. The enormaus amaunts of money thaf keep
pouning info radio and TV broadcastings, as well as fo financing their
subjects on fha island, take away resources fhat could befter be used fo
cope with social problems afflicfing Amencans.
Thene are recent examp!es of these groups' clout and pressunes on the Miami
community, its gavernmenf agencies and even ifs judicial sysfem.
It would be in the best interest of the American people fo get nid of the
bad influence of such extremists and tarro nisfs that cause so much damage
fo fha United Sta fas by breaking its own laws.
~A./é haya nevar done anything fon maney. We have always lived modestly and
acted humbly, living up fo fha sacrificas of aun own people.
We haya always bean moved by a sfrang sentiment of human solidarity, lave
for aun homeland and confenlpf for fhat which gaas against fha dignity of
fha human person.
Tha defendants in this tría! are in no way repentant of what we haya done
fo defend aun cauntny. We declare aurselves non guilf y and simp!y fake
comforf in fha fact that we haya honorad aun duty fo our people and aun
homaland. Our lavad ones understand fha dapth of fha ideas that guide us
and thay wiIl take pnide in aun sacrificas for Humanity in this strugg/a
against tanronism and fon fha independence of Cuba.

René Gonzalaz
Ramón Labañino
Fernando Gonzalez Liad
Antonio Guerrero
Garando Hernández

June 17, 2001

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