On Sat, Jan 14, 2017 at 09:24:42AM +0000, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>  I suspect non-portability and complexity are the main reasons.
>  The current runsvdir implementation is very simple. It's originally based
> on daemontools' "svscan" design, which polls every 5 seconds. runsvdir
> only polls 14 seconds, which is almost 3 times better. ;)
>  s6-svscan (s6's equivalent of runsvdir) does not poll at all by default:
> it only rescans when you tell it to, via an external command
> (s6-svscanctl -a). That allows you to, for instance, set up a service with
> an inotifyd triggering a rescan on scandir changes, if that's the workflow
> you want.
> --
>  Laurent

The s6-svscan behavior fits what I want to do, in this case runit is the 
distro-provided init and so I think it makes sense to patch runsvdir to avoid 
needing to change other parts of the system. It's slightly unfortunate that 
runsvdir isn't designed to be nested so I might do that too while I'm in there. 
I wouldn't expect runit upstream to be all that excited about either change 

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