Please CALL CONGRESS TODAY! 202 224 3121
National Call In To Action Day April 10, 2014 
The allowable limit for radioactivity consumed in food in JAPAN is 100 Bq/kg. 
In the U.S., it's a whopping 1,200 Bq/kg, the highest allowable limit in the 
world. A Becquerel means one radioactive disintegration per second. In Japan, 
if your food has more than 100 Becquerels in a kilogram, about 45 Becquerels in 
a pound, then it’s not considered safe to eat.In the USA you can have 540 
radioactive disintegrations per second (Becquerels) in one pound of 
seafood/meat or other foods and that is considered safe!Secretary of State 
Hillary Clinton and President of the US Chamber of Commerce Thomas Donahoe went 
to Tokyo and signed a PPP agreement (Public/Private Partnership) on April 17, 
2011. This PPP allowed fish caught in Japanese waters to be sold and imported 
into the US with up to 12 times the radioactive contamination as is allowed to 
be sold in Japan. Seafood that isrejected by Japan is being imported into the 
USA. Vulnerable children and pregnant women are among those presently ingesting 
this seafood. FFAN’s petition seeks to significantly lower the current 
allowable levels of radiation in all food, including seafood and other food and 
beverages to 5 Bq/kg, nearly identical to the limits proposed by the 
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany 
and the EU.
BIOACCUMULATION: “Radiation is cumulative, there is no safe dose and each dose 
received by a person adds to the risk of developing cancer.” Dr. Helen 
Internal (internal emitters from food, water, air, milk) and external radiation 
can cause:
Cancers of the bone, digestive tract, brain, lung, thyroid, breast, stomach, 
 central nervous system, lymph system, blood or skin.
Radiation-related leukemias i.e. acute myeloblastic, acute 
 lymphoblastic, and chronic myelocytic forms.
Damage to the immune system resulting in chronic poor health. Strontium-90 
 deposited in bone affects white blood cells.
Spontaneous abortion, low-birth weight babies, hyaline membrane disease, 
 poor growth and development. Iodine-131 in thyroid disrupts production of 
 growth hormone.
Mental retardation, decreased intellectual ability, birth defects, 
 abnormal blood clotting, premature aging, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, 
 serious birth defects, respiratory diseases, and early death.
Fetuses and infants are 1000 times and 100 times, respectively, more sensitive 
to radiation than adults. (Dr. Alice Stewart 1970 study.)
“Radioactive isotopes that concentrate in specific organs...are millions of 
times more dangerous per unit mass than ordinary chemical toxins.” Dr. Ernest 
J. Sternglass, Ph.D.
Low dose versus high dose radiation:
In the body when dissolved oxygen captures an electron from absorbed or 
ingested radiation (called free radicals), they attach to the cell membrane 
wall and dissolve it. This destroys the integrity of the cell and the cell 
function. The higher the dose of radiation, the more the free radicals are 
produced, and because they can combine with one another and deactivate one 
another, it is at the lower doses where you see the most damage. Short intense 
doses of radiation usually kill a cell outright or cause a DNA mutation. Low, 
prolonged doses produce free radicals which damage the cell membrane. An 
individual’s risk of contracting a cancer during his or her lifetime increases 
with each exposure. 
 “Every dose is an overdose.” Dr. George Wald, Nobel Laureate
 The Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) is urging the public to 
participate in a National Call in to Action Day this coming Thursday, April 
10th by contacting their elected Representatives in demanding a rational, 
transparent, and binding level for testing radiation in food. This is in 
response to very recent statements by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
that it sees no reason "to alter consumption of specific foods imported from 
Japan or domestically produced food including seafood.." There is a Facebook 
page on Becquerel Awareness Day ("It's B.A.D., because rads are bad to eat!") 
with talking points and more information. It also links to an Event page where 
people can RSVP and invite others to join. All that's needed on April 10th is a 
phone to let DC know we're demanding that FDA act responsibly in the ongoing 
wake of Fukushima. FFAN will also be using other social media for this event 
and welcomes your participation. 
Please click here  Becquerel Awareness Day's 
National Call in to Action is in response to FDA's actions as outlined in this 
press release:
Find a copy of the press release to share via social media here:
USA Pre-Fukushima Cesium Safety Level: 3 pCi/ltr = 0.111 Bq/Ltr
USA New ‘Safety’ Level Post-Fukushima: 200 pCi/ltr = 7.4 Bq/Ltr
7.4/0.111 = 66.6 % increased allowable radioactive level in USA food we consume 
to cover up for the nuclear industry/ GE.
The US government raised the level to 200 pCi/ltr AFTER the Fukushima Nuclear 
“The particle that we examined was a mixture of fission products from a nuclear 
reactor and nuclear fuels. We looked at materials like Telurium, Radium 226. We 
saw Cesium 134 and 137, Cobalt 60 and a whole zoo of isotopes that probably 
you’ll never hear about on CNN but you’d have to be a physicist to understand.  
*Let’s put it this way. Eighty percent by weight of this particle was made up 
of pure reactor core materials. So that tells me that something that came 
directly from the accident, directly from the core, could escape containment 
and travel a very, very significant distance. So it’s a long distance to 
travel, and what happens is the particle is so very small that it will 
essentially travel with whatever gas it’s entrained in. The winds will blow it 
long distances.” *
The fish showing up in markets could be from right off the fuku coast.
Comment from enenews blog:
And Fukushima Prefecture was firmly established as the organic food breadbasket 
of Japan before 3/11. Now they can't give away the contaminated crops to most 
prefectures. So the obvious market is the oblivious foreign consumers. Millions 
of people will die unknowingly because they ate Japanese crops from central 
Japan. Ugly secret. 
Published time: September 13, 2013
Medical implications by Dr. Helen Caldicott:
Water in the bay beside Fukushima is highly contaminated with tritium, which is 
constantly increasing in concentration and now measures 4,700 Becquerels per 
liter - the highest level ever recorded in seawater. Furthermore a total of 20 
to 40 trillion Becquerels of tritium have now been discharged into the Pacific 
Ocean –a Becquerel is one disintegration of radiation per second. Tritium is 
radioactive hydrogen, H3. It combines with oxygen to form tritiated water HTO, 
which is very dangerous. It emits an electron, or beta particle which, if 
lodged in the body, is very energetic.
Tritium combines within the DNA molecule inducing mutations. In numerous animal 
experiments tritium causes birth defects, cancers of various organs including 
brain and ovaries, and it induces testicular atrophy and mental retardation at 
surprisingly low doses. Tritium is organically taken up in food and is 
concentrated in fish, vegetables, and other food groups, and it remains 
radioactive for over 120 years. Ingestion of contaminated food causes 10 
percent to combine in the human body where it can remain for many years 
continuously irradiating cells.
One of the main elements is cesium, a potassium mimicker, which concentrates in 
the heart, endocrine organs and muscles where it can induce cardiac 
irregularities, heart attacks, diabetes, hypothyroidism or thyroid cancer and a 
very malignant muscle cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. Cesium remains 
radioactive for 300 years and concentrates in the food chain. 
Another very dangerous element is strontium 90, which also is poisonous for 300 
years. Analogous to calcium, it concentrates in grass and milk, then relocates 
into bones, teeth and breast milk where it can cause bone cancer, leukemia or 
breast cancer.
 *Amongst the many other radioactive elements which are almost certainly 
escaping into the sea is plutonium which lasts for 240,000 years and is one of 
the most potent carcinogens known, such that a millionth of a gram can cause 
cancer. Each reactor core contains 500lbs of plutonium, but Reactor 3 contains 
even more, because it also contained plutonium/uranium fuel rods which were 
placed inside the core as an experiment.*
As plutonium resembles iron in the body, it induces cancers in the lung if 
inhaled, and also cancers in the liver, bone, testicle and ovary. As an iron 
analogue, it readily crosses the placenta causing severe birth deformities 
similar to those produced by the drug thalidomide. All radioactive elements 
which irradiate the reproductive organs will induce genetic mutations in the 
sperm and eggs, thereby increasing the incidence of genetic diseases over 
future generations such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, 
hemochromatosis and 6000 others.
These are only several of over 100 deadly radioactive poisons polluting the 
Pacific Ocean and the air, each of which has its own pathway in the food chain 
and the human body. Radioactive elements are tasteless, odorless and invisible, 
and it takes many years for cancers and other radiation-related diseases to 
manifest – five to 80 years for most cancers.
Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive to the carcinogenic effects of 
radiation than adults, fetuses are thousands of times more so. One x-ray to the 
pregnant abdomen doubles the likelihood of leukemia in the baby. Females are 
also more sensitive than men at all ages. Radiation is cumulative, there is no 
safe dose and each dose received by a person adds to the risk of developing 

Of great concern is the fact that 18 cases of childhood thyroid cancer in 
children under the age of 18 have already been diagnosed and 25 more are 
suspected in Fukushima. This is a remarkably short incubation time for cancer, 
indicating that these children almost certainly received a very high dose of 
iodine 131 plus other carcinogenic radioactive elements that were and are still 
being inhaled and ingested. 
Thyroid cancer in Chernobyl victims did not appear for four years. Thyroid 
cancer is rarely found in young children. Iodine 131 is radioactive for 100 
days, and is a potent carcinogen. Iodine 129 on the other hand lasts millions 
of years. Over 350,000 children still live and go to school in highly 
radioactive areas, and as juvenile thyroid cancers are arising, so the number 
of leukemia cases will start to increase about two years from now, with solid 
cancers of various organs diagnosed about 11 years later. These will increase 
in frequency.
We must close down the nuclear industry now. The nuclear industry/utility 
companies/ weapons manufacturers and nuclear power corporations are killing us 
all for profit and power. Radiation should not be in our food, water or air at 
any level higher than natural background radiation, which was before the first 
atomic explosion. Our planet has been trashed forever. Uranium 238 half-life:
4.5 Billion years. 
e-mail sent by Francene McClintock, Perham Maine Please Share!
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