I'm just catching up here.  I fully agree with what Al says about not 
overloading the edit-media link.


Alistair Miles wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> Apologies again, please bear in mind these comments are based on a partial
> reading of the doc, will hopefully have more time to read in full soon. More
> inline...
> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 06:08:56PM +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
>>> I notice in the current spec you overload the 'edit-media' relation to
>>> define new protocol behaviour when POSTing binary content to a deposit's
>>> edit-media URI.
>> I'm not sure what you mean, sorry.  We haven't specified any
>> behaviour for POST on the edit-media URI (EM-URI in the document).
>> We do a PUT on that URI which I think is consistent with the AtomPub
>> approach (replace the old file with the new file).  We do do a POST
>> on the edit URI (Edit-URI in the document) which isn't covered by
>> AtomPub at all, but is consistent with a RESTful approach.  Is it
>> that that bothers you?
> Sorry, I must've mis-read first time. Now I'm reading section 6.6.1 "Adding
> New Packages or Files to a Container"...
> ...OK, yes I think I would object to using the edit-URI for this purpose. 
> Well,
> actually, no, I don't care what URI you use, what I would object to is
> specifying the use of the 'edit' link relation to indicate which URI can be
> used for this purpose.
> I'm just trying to come at this from a REST/hypermedia point of view. 
> What this spec effectively does is to change the meaning of the 'edit'
> link relation, or in this case to "overload" it by giving it an additional
> meaning over what IANA (via the AtomPub spec) has to say about it.
>>From a practical point of view, as a client developer, how do I know when
> the 'edit' link means only what it says in the IANA registry, and when the
> 'edit' link also means what it says in the SWORD spec? 
> E.g., say my client receives an Atom entry document. The client finds an
> 'edit' link, and because it's programmed with knowledge of atompub, it then
> knows what URI to use to update or delete the entry. But how does my client
> additionally know that the URI at the end of the 'edit' link also supports
> adding new packages or files to a container? Should it look for other sword:
> foreign markup in the entry document, then modify its understanding of the
> 'edit' link relation based on the presence of this markup? Or should it just
> assume that the 'edit' link means this in all cases, and just attempt the
> operation (which may fail if it was actually just talking to a plain old
> atompub server)?
> Instead of specifying what operations the Edit-URI should support, which is
> effectively redefining/overloading the meaning of the 'edit' link relation,
> I would suggest that the SWORD specification simply define a new link
> relation, e.g.:
> http://purl.org/net/sword/rel/append-package-contents
> Client developers would then know to use this link relation when looking for
> the URI to use to POST additional package contents too. And server developers
> would be free to implement this behaviour using whatever URIs they choose -
> they could do it with the edit-URI, or they could do it with a completely
> different URI, it's up to them, and it doesn't matter for the client because
> the client is hypermedia-driven.
> To labour this point a bit more, by specifying that the edit-URI has to
> be used for this purpose, you are placing unnecessary constraints on how
> servers are implemented. I.e., as a server implementer, I'm now forced to
> extend/override/modify my existing server-side code for handling requests to
> edit-URIs to implement this behaviour. If instead you just define a new link
> relation, then server developers are free to stick this new behaviour at any
> URI of their choosing, which gives the server-developer far more freedom in 
> how
> the behaviour is implemented. And it's also simple and crystal-clear for 
> client
> developers how a client decides which URIs to use for what protocol behaviour.
> Similarly for any other new protocol operations you want to specify, I would
> suggest defining new link relations, rather than specifying what URIs should
> be used or changing the meaning of any existing link relations like 'edit'
> or 'edit-media'.
> So, e.g., for "Adding New Metadata to a Resource", rather than specifying that
> the edit-URI should be used, the spec could define a new link relation like:
> http://purl.org/net/sword/rel/append-metadata
> Similarly for "Adding New Metadata and Packages or Files to a Resource
> with Multipart".
> Am I making sense?
> Cheers,
> Alistair
> [1] 
> http://swordapp.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/SWORDProfile.html#protocoloperations_addingcontent_binary
>>> I wonder if an alternative pattern might give you a bit more flexibility,
>>> and be a bit easier to implement, without having to define any new protocol
>>> behaviour.
>>> Let's assume you've done a GET on the service document URI and chosen a
>>> collection URI to work with already.
>>> As described in the spec, you then create a new deposit by POSTing some
>>> packaged binary content to the collection URI. In return you get a 201 with
>>> an Atom entry document.
>>> The returned Atom entry document has an "edit" link and an "edit-media" link
>>> as usual, and also a new link - let's call it "package-contents" for now,
>>> what it's called doesn't really matter for this email, it's the pattern I'd
>>> like to focus on. E.g.:
>>> <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";>
>>>   <title>al's first deposit</title>
>>>   ...
>>>   <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" 
>>> href="http://example.org/deposit/foo.atom"/>
>>>   <link rel="edit-media" type="application/zip" 
>>> href="http://example.org/deposit/foo.media"/>
>>>   <link rel="package-contents" type="application/atom+xml;type=feed" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo"/>
>>>   ...
>>> </entry>
>>> If you want to update (replace) the entire packaged content for this 
>>> deposit,
>>> you would do a PUT on the edit-media URI as per standard Atom protocol.
>>> If you want to update (replace) the metadata for this deposit, you would do
>>> a PUT on the edia URI, again as per standard Atom protocol.
>>> Now, what's implicit here is that, as a side-effect of the initial POST
>>> request to create the deposit, the server will have unpacked the packaged
>>> content, and is now exposing the unpacked media resources as a standard Atom
>>> collection, which is discoverable via the "package-contents" link.
>>> I.e., if you were to do a GET on the package-contents link URI, the server
>>> would return an Atom feed listing all of the media resources within the
>>> package. E.g.:
>>> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";>
>>>   ...
>>>   <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo"/>
>>>   <link rel="deposit" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" 
>>> href="http://example.org/deposit/foo.atom"/>
>>>   ...
>>>   <app:collection href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo";>
>>>     <title type="text">package contents for al's first deposit</title>
>>>     <app:accept>*/*</app:accept>
>>>   </app:collection>
>>>   ...
>>>   <entry>
>>>     ...
>>>     <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo/resource1.atom"/>
>>>     <link rel="edit-media" type="text/plain" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo/resource1.media"/>
>>>     ...
>>>   </entry>
>>>   <entry>
>>>     ...
>>>     <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml;type=entry" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo/resource2.atom"/>
>>>     <link rel="edit-media" type="image/jpeg" 
>>> href="http://example.org/unpacked/foo/resource2.media"/>
>>>     ...
>>>   </entry>
>>>   ...
>>> </feed>
>>> If the server supported adding further media resource to the package, you
>>> could advertise this by including an app:collection element within the feed
>>> document, as per [2]. I.e., clients would do a POST to the package-contents
>>> collection URI, as per standard Atom protocol for creating media resources
>>> in a collection.
>> This sounds very similar to what could be achieved with the
>> sword:statement.  The statement URI appears in the atom:entry and
>> allows you to content negotiate for either an OAI-ORE or Atom Feed
>> document describing the contents of the resource.  Further to that,
>> in order to satisfy the desire to be consistent with GData, we have
>> added a condition that allows the Edit-URI to be content negotiated
>> for as an atom:feed rather than an atom:entry which would then list
>> the collections and entries in that object.  Would that meet your
>> requirements as discussed here?
>> We have explicitly avoided saying anything about GData semantics in
>> the spec, but we do want to ensure that we don't impede any attempt
>> to implement it alongside SWORD.
>> I'd be interested in your opinion on the Atom Feed serialisation of
>> the Statement as described at:
>> http://swordapp.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/SWORDProfile.html#statement_atom
>> and any enhancements to that serialisation (which I threw together
>> very quickly) which we could do along the lines of what you suggest
>> above would be gratefully received.
>>> If you wanted to delete any media resources within the package, then each
>>> media resource would have it's own URI which you could send a DELETE to. If
>>> you wanted to delete the whole package, you could still do a delete on the
>>> deposit's edit-media URI as specified in the current SWORD protocol spec.
>>> I just wonder if this pattern would give you more flexibility over managing
>>> the contents of a deposited package, whilst at the same time requiring less
>>> specification of non-standard Atom protocol behaviour. I.e., this pattern
>>> needs no new protocol behaviour to be specified, all it needs is that you
>>> define the "package-contents" link relation (or whatever you want to call 
>>> it)
>>> as pointing to an Atom collection containing the unpacked deposit contents.
>>> It also might be easier to implement, because rather than servers having
>>> to extend their Atom protocol engine with new operations, now everything is
>>> standard Atom protocol, and all servers need to do is implement a 
>>> side-effect
>>> of the initial deposit request to unpack the package and store it in a
>>> new collection.
>> I think that this is where we'd like to be in the long run, but this
>> version of SWORD is limiting itself to just extending to the most
>> primitive CRUD implementation, just so that we can get that to work.
>> I would absolutely encourage real world implementations to go this
>> route.
>>> On a different point, I also notice in the current spec that you overload
>>> the 'edit' link relation to define new protocol behaviour when POSTing an
>>> Atom entry document to the edit URI. I'm guessing that what you want here
>>> is partial update? I'm just wondering how easy this would be to implement,
>>> I'm just thinking that it may not be obvious how any child elements should
>>> be handled, whether they should add or replace existing elements. Telling 
>>> the
>>> difference may require the server to have knowledge of element 
>>> cardinalities,
>>> which would be hard to guarantee in general where clients may use extension
>>> elements. I was just thinking if what you want to do is selectively update
>>> portions of the deposit's metadata record, then you might be better of using
>>> PATCH instead of POST, and then having a discussion around the media-type
>>> recommended for PATCH requests, and how they should be processed. Some of
>>> the issues with dealing with this type of request are discussed at [3].
>> We're also explicitly avoiding talking about metadata and how it is
>> managed in detail, although PATCH may be the way in the long run
>> (that's how WebDAV does it, right?).
>> I am interested to see how difficult it is for the client and server
>> implementations funded by the project to implement this
>> functionality, and we will modify the spec if it turns out to be a
>> significant burden.  The use case that I have in mind is that I
>> upload a single binary file (say a PDF of my research paper) and
>> then later on I want to upload another file to the item (perhaps the
>> XLS of my supporting data).  The way to do that with REST is to just
>> POST the resource to where I want it to be created, so this is the
>> approach we went for with SWORD.
>> It's also important for us to communicate that we are not imposing
>> specific behaviours on a server with regard to how content is
>> managed (that's the domain of CMIS as far as I can tell), so if a
>> server can't manage to unpack a file and add the content and
>> metadata in a way which makes sense, then it is free to reject,
>> partially complete or whatever else it thinks appropriate.  Does
>> that make sense?
>>> Anyway, hope this helps, and please feel free to criticise these ideas. I'm
>>> in the process of reviewing the design for a new data repository, and would
>>> like to be close to SWORD if possible.
>> This is very helpful, thanks for such a detailed analysis.
>> Cheers,
>> Richard
>>> Cheers,
>>> Alistair
>>> [1] 
>>> https://sword-app.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sword-app/spec/trunk/SWORDProfile.txt
>>> [2] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-divilly-atompub-discovery-00
>>> [3] http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/2.0/reference.html#PartialUpdate
>>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 07:10:12PM +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
>>>> Hi Dave,
>>>> This looks interesting, definitely chat about it this week.  In the mean
>>>> time, you could try pointing your client at the Simple SWORD Server:
>>>> https://sword-app.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sword-app/sss/trunk/
>>>> I'm very close now to a draft of the spec to be implemented against.  I
>>>> don't think anything there precludes the API being used as described in
>>>> your previous email.  I think the SWORD and GData approaches are
>>>> compatible, but would be good to test properly.
>>>> See you at dev8d!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Richard
>>>> On 14/02/11 16:38, David Tarrant wrote:
>>>>> All,
>>>>> Further to my actual playing with some early implementations, myself and 
>>>>> Tim Brody have today extended early ideas to be closer to the Google Docs 
>>>>> extensions and thus produced a client as a test of the implementation.
>>>>> The whole thing is best demonstrated by the video which is here:
>>>>> http://www.eprints.org/software/training/3.2/videos/swordv2_eprints.ogv
>>>>> Things we have working:
>>>>> CREATE : Initial create of the object
>>>>> RETRIEVE: Obviously
>>>>> UPDATE: 2 way update between both client and repository
>>>>> DELETE: Again 2 way.
>>>>> Additionally, Metadata can be updated to the edit-uri (also demonstrated).
>>>>> All of this uses the Edit-URI, Atom:ID and Edit-Media URIs only + the 
>>>>> contents URIs for handling multiple documents.
>>>>> All the update requests are backed with HEAD requests to see if content 
>>>>> has changed and on which side (repo or local).
>>>>> Do take a look at the video and give feedback. I think this is close to a 
>>>>> full SIMPLE implementation of SWORDv2, e.g. without on behalf of and 
>>>>> other complex headers.
>>>>> The next thing to look into is how to move the object through the 
>>>>> workflow.
>>>>> See people at Dev8D where I can do a live demo.
>>>>> Dave T
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