Hi John,

I guess the whole thing depends on how one would define "human readable". In
my view, XML tags and content are still human readable. Binary data could
also be counted as human readable if it was preceded with a tag and encoded
in base64 etc. Something like [Bin_Data_Base64 = "kahskdjashd=="] would be
fine. That way it would be obvious to someone reading the log what part is

The idea is to avoid someone trying to send chunks of unencoded binary or
hex data over syslog. 

Syslog was originally intended as a way of alerting operators to system
malfunctions or things that required their attention. By tailing the
Alert/Warning/Error logs on the console, it was easy to keep an eye on the
condition of the systems. Some apps would also send verbose debug
information to the logs. This was usually never seen by the operator and
simply written to disk for analysis later. 

Sending XML medical or encoded binary data over syslog would fall into the
debug category since no human would be reviewing the logs in real time on
the screen. As long as you choose the level and facility (<PRI>) correctly,
I feel it would still work fine.

That is just my opinion. I'd be interested to hear what others on the list
have to say.



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