Am 14.08.2017 um 12:31 schrieb Sergei Franco:
Admins expect output when starting and stopping services

admins should learn to deal with their system

This is even more important when there are runbooks and other processes involved. The journalctl output is very messy (because it is a log). When you are on call and you have to deal with an issue at 3am in the morning, the messy output adds to the already high cognitive load

when you still don't know that "systemctl status service" gives you the recent relevant journal output better do your homework before wwrite long emails

I am yet to see a systems engineer that praised systemd. All I hear from my colleagues is swearing when they deal with systemd. What makes them angry? Inability to actually see what is going on. Has mysql actually failed to start or is it repairing tables after a crash? Who knows, systemd ate the output

here i am - we migrated in 2012 to systemd for *all our infrastructure* and after invent our core-software 15 years ago, wrote all the server mnagment tools, maintainance and deployment stuff at my own i tend to call myself a "systems engineer"

get out of my sight with all that crappy initsripts for services

in the state of Fedora 15 systemd has a lot of problems but if you have in 2017 still serious *general* problems with it that are not irrelevant by the security/sandboxing features for servers the problem is in front of the screen
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