On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 03:56:43PM +1000, nwastra wrote:
> I am unsure what is the preferred way or best practice to tag the source for 
> multipolygons.
> I currently put the source on the relation with all the rest of the tags, and 
> only adding tags to individual ways or inner polygons if they are also part 
> of a seperate entity like a fence or a body of water. I also include the 
> source with the uploaded change-set. This would seem to be ok when adding a 
> new mp relation.
> Should the source also be added to all the individual ways that make up the 
> outer and inner boundaries of each polygon? 
> Is this also the preferred way when adding a new large mp relation that does 
> not currently exist?
> When replacing individual ways or splitting and altering part of a way with 
> updated data, adding the new source tag to those new ways would seem best 
> practice or is it sufficient to added the source to the change-sets alone?
> Is the most sensible way to initially add the source tags to the relation and 
> change-set upload alone and from then on as individual parts are amended, to 
> add the source to just the updated/corrected ways and the change-set on 
> upload?
> I have not come across guidance for this on the wki yet.

Putting the sources on the objects has been deprecated for a while. The
source should be put on the changeset only. If you are doing edits that
involve several different sources, it is best to split the changes up
into different changesets. Of course this is not always possible, then
you can also put several sources in the changeset source tag.

Adding the source to the objects was deprecated, too fined-grained
source tagging simply doesn't make much sense. We can not track every
source for every node, way, or relation or the parts of them for every
tiny change that somebody does. In the end most data will have multiple
sources and figuring out what came from what can only be done going
through the changeset tags, not by looking at the tags on the data

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  https://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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