So what is the license of this combined database and is this combined
database a whole database or a collective database? Note that Wikidata is
under CC0 while OSM is under ODbL.

On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 12:03 AM, Yuri Astrakhan <>

> TLDR: A SPARQL (rdf) database with both OSM and Wikidata data is up for
> testing.  Allows massive cross-referenced queries between two datasets. The
> service is a test, and needs a permanent home to stay alive.
> Overpass Turbo is awesome, but sadly it does not have data from Wikidata,
> nor does it support some SQL-like conditions. I have setup a temporary RDF
> database that has both OSM & Wikidata. You can use SPARQL queries to find:
> * All OSM objects with wikidata tag that references a Wikipedia
> disambiguation page. Get the name of the page in first available language
> ru, fr, de, en.
> * OSM relations with wikidata tag pointing to a person (also tries
> multiple language fallbacks).
> * OSM relations with duplicate Wikidata IDs
> == OSM data structure ==
> osmnode, osmway, osmrel - OSM object prefix, e.g.  osmnode:1234
> osmt - tag, e.g.  osmt:name:en  (only has tags with latin chars, -, _, :,
> digits
> osmm - meta data about the object -- type, isClosed, version.
> I try to preserve OSM data without much changes. Every tag's value is
> stored as a string, except for wikidata and wikipedia tags which are
> converted to a URL, the same format as stored in Wikidata.
> osmway:29453885
>   osmt:name "Samina";
>   osmt:waterway "river";
>   osmt:wikidata wd:Q156065;
>   osmt:wikipedia <>;
>   osmm:type "w";   #### could be "r", "w", and "n"
>   osmm:isClosed false;   ####  this meta property is only for OSM ways
>   osmm:version 24.
> Wikidata data structure is identical to (see
> help)
> == Current limitations ==
> * Only includes OSM objects with either "wikidata" or "wikipedia" tags
> * The OSM data only contains tags with only Latin letters, digits and
> symbols - : _
> * OSM geometry info is not imported, e.g. no center point or bounding box,
> except for osmm:isClosed (true/false) property for ways.
> * Does not include OSM object inheritance data - e.g. cannot query for
> "find a node that is part of a way which is part of a relation that has
> wikidata tag that ..."
> * Wikidata is updated every second, but OSM does not yet update at all,
> imported from a full db dump as of a few days ago.
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