Hi there!

On 25 Dec 99, at 16:40, Frank Farance wrote
    about "Regarding the RFCs":

The headers of *this* your message:

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

What QP you are speaking about? And now, just FYI: 
Let's start from the very beginning:-)

> Presumably, you mean there are some RFCs that are not
> satisifed.  Which ones in particular?  I can read the RFCs on
> my own, just point me to the one you think is problematic. 
> You're right that I'm not a beta tester.  I never claimed I
> was.  I was just asking for technical support information
> about The Bat.  Can't logical lines be of arbitrary length? 
> Regarding the RFCs, I'm assuming you are talking about RFC
> 2045, right?  Doesn't RFC 2045 quoted printable permit
> *logical* lines of arbitrary length? 

See above. For the 7-bit encoded (_non_-QP) messages the 
lines cannot be arbitrary long. As for your messages, each 
paragraph occupies exactly one line. 

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs -- but it is
  amazing how many eggs one can break without making a decent

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