On Wed, 15 Mar 2017 13:22:53 -0400
"Ted Unangst" <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:
> > 1. Loops - Use C99 style initialisation?
> >     for(int i = 0; i < monsters; i < 666)  
> No.
> > 3. Anything of major concern.  
> Adding a new character to the lexer potentially breaks existing
> config files.

I was considering that, considering that maybe someone will want
"foo=bar" parameters in their command lines.
Which is why I am thinking it is best to strike here while the iron is
hot rather than, say, 5 years later, when people have come up with
complex and tuned-over-the-years configurations. Not something difficult to
fix either, just enclose in quotes or escape, as necessary with curly

There is a way around this (such as not moving to "eow" on special
characters, when the lexer is in a 'command-line argument-parsing
mode') but that may require code added to the lexer. How much
extra code is needed, I don't know.

This function of parsing is the lexer's domain, and seems neater than
having what is essentially two separate lexers; all I am doing here is
merging the "mini-lexer" into the main lexer.

> Also, I'm not sure how you tested this, because it doesn't work like
> you say it does. setenv { HERE=there } copies both $HERE and $there
> from the current environment. It does not set HERE=there. That's very
> wrong.

How are you getting that result? Here is what I am getting:

        $ export HERE=hello
        $ export there=world
        $ echo $HERE $there
        hello world
        $ doas ~/test.sh
        HERE is there
        there is

The shell script:

        echo "HERE" is $HERE
        echo "there" is $there

And /etc/doas.conf:

        permit persist setenv { HERE=there } :wheel
        permit nopass keepenv root

This test behaves correctly on my end.

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