On Mon, 7 Aug 2000 12:49:45 +0200, Gérard Degrez wrote,
> In the FAQ, there's a discussion on the respective pros/cons of several
> variants of \stepwise, where use is made of the concept of structured
> background.
> I apologize for this trivial question but what is a structured background?

Er, any background that is, well, structured :)
i.e. contains anything that is not of color pagecolor.

This encompasses color gradients (supported by background.sty 
from PPower4 and TeXPower 0.0.9 (forthcoming)), background
pictures (supported by pdfscreen, pdfslide, ifmslide and 
one of the letter updates of TeXPower immediately after 0.0.9)
or anything else which could go `behind' the text which
is to be displayed incrementally, like colored boxes or
colored tabular cells.

In all these cases, \hidevanish, unlike \hidetext or \hideboxed,
will _not_ make text vanish, but appear visible in color pagecolor
in front of anything which is of a different color.


  Stephan Lehmke                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fachbereich Informatik, LS I   Tel. +49 231 755 6434 
  Universitaet Dortmund          FAX              6555
  D-44221 Dortmund, Germany             

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