John Laughton wrote:

Hi, I hope this is the right mailing list for this question

I am using tomcat 5.0.28
I have a simple web app and want to serve up some images in the jsp pages, but the images are outside the context

The HTTP statement looks like
<img alt="thumb image" src="/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG"/>

The web app is under /usr/local/tomcat/webapp/family
On the browser it only shows "thumb image" as it cannot get to the hyperlink http://xx.xx.xx.xx/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG
(IP shown as xx.xx.xx.xx for security)

I have read a lot about tomcat and figure there must be a way to configure server.xml and/or web.xml to allow this to work, but cannot see it ?

It is possible ?

Are you wanting TC to serve the static files or do you use AJP connector and Apache. The easiest way to serve files from outside is to let Apache serve them and configure up AJP connector, then mount the entire content or just *.jsp pages to TC.

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