> Good to hear there is some movement in the Torque ecosystem....
> I have used Torque 3.3 with good satisfaction to develop a web
> application from scratch and I plan, if my company  can fund this
> activities, to port all of my  company software db related under Torque.

:-) Good to hear that other people also like Torque

> I don't know if I'm enough experienced as a developer or DB in
> comparison with Torque team standard but I would like to find a way to
> contribute.
> Let me know if this makes sense

The Torque team is happy about anyone willing to contribute. First thing to
to would be to join the dev list, if you have note done so already. This is
where communication about development goals happens.

Next, you need to checkout the torque code locally. Unfortunately,
instructions for the 4.0 branch are not yet online, but the torque4 code is
here: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/db/torque/torque4/trunk/
I'll try composing the svn info in the next week or two, so if you are not
familiar with maven2 multiprojects, better wait till this is available.

Then, you need to identify something you would like to work on. Usually
that would be a bug that bothers you or something that you think can be
improved. If you have found something, send a message to torque-dev that
you are willing to work on this and what your plan is. If nobody objects,
start compiling a patch and submit it via jira.

Note that there will be a big change in generator, templates and the maven2
plugin so please wait till this is in svn until you start working in this

Please do ask on the dev list if you have any particular questions.


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